Superior High Mountain Tie Guan Yin Oolong

  • Hochgebirgs-Tie Guan Yin aus Da Gu Shan, Fujian
  • Traditionell handgefertigt mit weicher Textur
  • Florales Aroma, cremig-buttrig mit Geißblatt-Noten
  • Perfekt für Oolong-Einsteiger, mild und ausgewogen
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Size: 40 g

40 g
80 g
Delivery time: 2-3 working days (D)

Popular oolong from Fujian, China. Superior quality. Very good for entering the Oolong world.

Superior Zhengwei Tie Guan Yin Oolong - "Die eiserne Göttin"

2022 harvest

This High Mountain Tie Guan Yin, the Iron Goddess, is hand finished and rolled in the traditional way of making oolong. The tea was harvested in the period from October 21st to 23rd, when the north wind comes to Fujian. In southern Fujian, it is said that the tea blown by the north wind is the gold prize tea

This high-mountain Tie Guan Yin is cultivated at an altitude of 1000m by Master Zhang in Da Gu Shan, which is the border between Anxi and Datian counties. The local tea farmers and tea producers in the village rely on natural cultivation. Seasoned oolong tea drinkers can easily recognize the extra smooth texture and flavors of a high mountain tea. 

Geruch des Tie Guan Yin

Fresh like honeysuckle and tropical plants, at the same time creamy and warm like shortbread.

The taste

Warm and creamy like egg custard with fruity and fresh flavors like star fruit and honeysuckle.

consistency: Medium thickness

Tasting notes from a tea lover trying oolong tea for the first time:

Sweetish, honey, round, warm, mild

Light, tart (spinach? artichoke? asparagus?), green tea note, pleasantly sweet aftertaste

How long should this tea steep?

Depending on whether you have the tea western style in a large pot prepare or in the traditional "Gong Fu style" you should note clearly different brewing times:

    • For example, if you brew a liter of oolong, you should drink the tea about 3-4 minutes to let go. If it steeps even longer, the tea will be correspondingly more intense. It is best to use 2-3 teaspoons of tea leaves for this amount of water.
    • Do you decide for the preparation gong fu style in a gaiwan or a small clay pot (yixing) you should steep the tea for a much shorter time. As is well known, you throw away the first infusion. For the second infusion, a guide value of about 20 - 30 seconds. However, the amount of tea you add is much higher! Use about 3 teaspoons for about 200ml of tea! Due to the short brewing time, the tea does not become too strong. The aroma and the intensity of the taste are overwhelming. Can you spot the different nuances?

Please note that the tea comes in different packaging, but the inside is the same Superior Zhengwei Tie Guanyin.
shipping info


Unless otherwise stated, delivery will take place within 2-3 working days, quickly and conveniently as a DHL package to your home. Shipping costs are €4.99. Delivery is free for orders over €50.


Delivery takes place within 4-5 working days, conveniently to your home as a DHL package or DHL parcel. You can find the exact shipping costs on the Shipping & Delivery page.

How to brew

in Gaiwan / Kännchen mit ca. 200 ml


ca. 6 - 8 g


100 °C


30 - 60.


Fujian / China
Frühjahr 2022

The taste

Warm und cremig wie Eierpudding mit fruchtigem und frischem Geschmack wie Sternfrucht und Geißblatt.

Konsistenz: Mittlere Dicke

Verkostungsnotizen von einem Teefreund, der zum ersten Mal Oolong Tee probierte:

Süßlich, Honig, rund, warm, mild

Leicht, herb (Spinat? Artischocke? Spargel?), Grünteenote, angenehm süßlicher Nachgeschmack


Abhängig davon, ob du den Tee im westlichen Stil in einer großen Kanne zubereitest oder im traditionellen "Gong Fu Stil" solltest du deutlich unterschiedliche Ziehzeiten beachten:

- Brühst du dir z.B. einen Liter Oolong auf, solltest du den Tee etwa 3-4 Minuten ziehen lassen. Zieht er noch länger, wird der Tee entsprechend intensiver.
- Für diese Menge Wasser verwendest du am besten 2-3 Teelöffel Teeblätter.
- Entscheidest du dich für die Zubereitung in einem Gaiwan oder einer Ton-Kanne (Yixing) solltest du den Tee deutlich kürzer ziehen lassen. Den ersten Aufguss gießt du bekanntlich weg. Für den zweiten Aufguss gilt ein Richtwert von ca. 20-30 Sek. Die Teemenge, die du hinzugibst, ist allerdings ungleich höher!
- Verwende ca. 3 Teelöffel auf ca. 200ml Tee!
Durch die kurze Ziehzeit wird der Tee nicht zu stark. Das Aroma und die Intensität des Geschmacks sind überwältigend. Kannst du die verschiedenen Nuancen erkennen?


Die Teeblätter, aus ca. 1.000 m Höhe, werden gepflückt, sanft welkend und gerollt. Anschließend oxidieren sie bei spezieller Temperatur und werden gebrannt. So entfalten sich die charakteristischen Aromen. Das Ergebnis ist ein einzigartiger Oolong, der Liebhaber von hochwertigem Tee mit seinem blumigen Geschmack und dezenten Süße begeistert.

What does Teewald stand for?

When we founded Teewald in 2016, our mission was the same as it is today: to offer the world's best teas for a unique taste experience.

At Teewald you will find exceptional teas of outstanding quality. Perfect tea leaves in a variety of shapes. Complex aromas. Fine nuances. Transparent origin and processing.

With Teewald you support a small, independent family business from Dresden.

Feel free to visit us.
- Yang & Jonas (founders of Teewald)

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Wie erwartet

Der TGY hält was er verspricht. Wie von mir erwartet punktet dieser Tee mit den Sorten typischen Eigenschaften. Blumig, leicht und frisch mit cremigen Abgang im Gaumen. So sollte ein grüner TGY schmecken. Bestens zu empfehlen.

Christiane d.J.

Toller Oolong, genau mein Geschmack: Duftig, blumig, leicht!

Tudor M.
Lessons learned

Dear all,
as you might have noticed, I have order this particular tee for a friend. He wanted to taste Taiwanese tea from the mountains due to their health benefits.
He hasn't started brewing it yet so I can't give you any feedback.
What I can tell you is that, due to the fact that there is no phone field in the shipping address section (I accept it as a GDPR limitation), the DHL local partner had problems in notifying my friend because of that but eventually the tea was delivered.
So from now on, when I will order tea from you I will add a phone number in one of the shipping address fields.